Faculty of Sharia and Law
The Faculty of Sharia and Law at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is one of the leading higher education institutions in Indonesia that offers academic programs in the field of Islamic law and sharia. Islamic law and sharia.
Education at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta aims to produce graduates who are skilled, knowledgeable, and have a deep understanding of Islamic and national law. In addition, the faculty also plays an important role in the development of legal science in Indonesia and contributes to a better understanding of law and justice in Islamic societies.
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Study Programs
Faculty of Sharia and Law
Prof. Dr. Mesraini, S.H., M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: Hukum Keluarga IslamProf. Dr. Yayan Sopyan, S.H., M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: Hukum Keluarga IslamProf. Dr. Wardah Nuroniyah, S.H.I., M.S.I
Bidang Ilmu: Hukum KeluargaProf. Dr. Rumadi, M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: Politik Hukum IslamProf. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., MA., MDC
Bidang Ilmu: Hukum Ekonomi Syari'ahProf. Dr. Khamami, S.H., M.A., MDC
Bidang Ilmu: Fikih Siyasah (Politik Islam)Prof. Dr. Kamarusdiana. M.H
Bidang Ilmu: Ilmu Hukum IslamProf. Dr. Hasanudin, M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: Fiqih MuamalahProf. Dr. Fuad Thohari, M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: FikihProf. Dr. Asmawi, M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: Ilmu Ushul FiqhProf. Dr. Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat, S.H., M.H
Bidang Ilmu: Ilmu HukumProf. Dr. Alimin, M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: Bahasa ArabProf. Dr. Abdul Halim, M.Ag
Bidang Ilmu: Hukum IslamProf. Dr. Abd. Rahman, M.A
Bidang Ilmu: Ushul Fikih