Bachelor of Family Law (Ahwal Al Syakhsiyyah)
In the history of the Faculty of Sharia and Law of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the Bachelor of Family Law (Ahwal Al Syakhsiyyah) (BFL) was previously named Qism Al-Qada (1976-1981). It was transformed into the Religious Judiciary Study Program. In 1999, the Religious Judiciary Study Programme became the Al-Ahwal Ash-Shakhsiyyah Study Programme, based on the Director General of Institutional Development of the Ministry of Religion Decree No. E/48/1999 dated 25 February 1999 on the Organization of Study programmes and Departments at IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In 2015, the Director General of Institutional Development of the Ministry of Religion issued Decree No. 2192 of 2015 on the Adjustment of Study programmes at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. This stipulates a new name for the Study Programme, the Family Law (Ahwal Al Shakhsiyyah).
This transformation is to strengthen the vision and mission of the University in integrating scientific, Islamic, Indonesian and humanitarian approaches in family law disciplines. This aims to enhance the BFL’s role in responding to family law and Islamic family law issues in society through inter and multi-disciplinary approaches.
BFL is designed, among others, to produce graduates competent in integrating family law discipline within the scientific context with Islamic, humanity and Indonesian values, enabling them to deal with real family law issues in society and create justice. BLF sets the graduate profiles as follows:
- Legal professionals such as judges, lawyers, analysts, consultants, mediators, and administrators in family law and Islamic family law who have competence in analysing and implementing the law by integrating general law discipline with Islamic law discipline;
- Researchers in family law and Islamic family discipline who are able to conduct research on contemporary issues, formulate theories and offer solutions for real family law issues in society;
- Legal analysts and activists who are able to design and create legal drafts, contracts, and analyses of laws and regulations regarding family law and Islamic family law .
The following are the distinctive features of BFL. This study programme offers:
- An in-depth understanding of Islamic family law becomes one of the legal aspects implemented in Indonesia. BFL offers a comprehensive understanding of Islamic law principles relating to family, such as marriage, divorce, rights and obligations of husband and wife, inheritance, adoption, and children's rights.
- Students are taught to analyze Islamic legal sources, including the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), and how these sources are applied in family law.
- This study programme emphasises the analysis and resolution of contemporary family law cases, such as post-divorce rights for women and children and other family law issues in modern society.
- In addition to the formal legal aspects, the program highlights Islamic family ethics and values. Students will learn how to build healthy and respectful family relationships based on Islamic teachings.
The study programme teaches students the importance of counselling and conflict resolution to mediate family law issues.
Bachelor of Family Law obtained National Accreditation based on BAN-PT Decree No. 2464/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2016 dated 20 October 2016. BFL is the only study programme within the FSL certified by the ASEAN University Network Quality Standard Assurance (AUN-QA), Certificate Number AP416UINJKTAPR19, dated June 2, 2019.
Prof. Dr. Rusli, S.Ag., M.Soc.Sc.
Bidang Ilmu | Hukum Keluarga | | |
Keahlian | Muqaranah al-Madzahib fi al-Munakahat, Islam dan Ilmu Pengetahuan |
Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim, M.Ag.
Bidang Ilmu | Ilmu Hukum Islam | | |
Keahlian | Metode Penelitian Hukum, Hukum Acara Peradilan Agama |
Dr. Afwan Faizin, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | Hadis Ahkam | | |
Keahlian | Tarikh Tasyri, Ulumul Hadist, Hadist Hukum Keluarga, Hadist Siyasah, Hadist Ahkam, Hadist Ahkam, Ilmu Kalam |
Dr. Azizah, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | Fiqh | | |
Keahlian | Qawaid Fiqhiyyah, Fikih Munakahat (Hukum Perkawinan Islam) |
Dr. Jaenal Arifin, M.Ag.
Bidang Ilmu | Filsafat Hukum Islam | | |
Keahlian | Filsafat Hukum, Filsafat Hukum Islam |
Dr. Maskufa, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | Ilmu Falak | | |
Keahlian | Ilmu Falak |
Dr. Moh. Ali Wafa, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | Hukum Islam | | |
Keahlian | Peradilan Agama di Indonesia, Studi Islam, Fikih Munakahat (Hukum Perkawinan Islam) |
Dr. Wardah Nuroniyah, S.HI., M.SI
Bidang Ilmu | Hukum Keluarga | | |
Keahlian | Hukum Perlindungan Anak dan Perempuan, Studi Islam, Hukum Perlindungan Anak dan Perempuan |
Hotnidah Nasution, M.Ag.
Bidang Ilmu | Peradilan Agama | | |
Keahlian | Fikih Mawaris (Hukum Kewarisan Islam), Peradilan Agama di Indonesia, Praktikum KUA |
Dr. Arip Purkon, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | Ushul Fiqh | | |
Keahlian | Perbandingan Mazhab, Qawaid Fiqhiyyah, Muqaranah Mudhahib Fiqh Munahakat, Fiqh Ibadah, Tarikh Tasyri, Ulumul Hadist |
Dr. Qosim Arsadani, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | Fiqh | | |
Keahlian | Fiqh, Ulumul Qur’an, Tafsir Ayat Hukum Keluarga, Tafsir Ayat Hukum Pidana, Ulumul Hadist, Hadist Hukum Pidana, Masail Fiqhiyah, Hukum Keluarga, Bahasa Arab, Qiratul Kutub, Tafsir Ahkam, Qawaid Fiqhiyah, Ilmu Mantiq |
Sri Hidayati, M.Ag.
Bidang Ilmu | Fiqh Mawaris | | |
Keahlian | Hukum Waris Islam, Muqaranah Mazhahib fil Mawaris, Hukum Internasional, Bahasa Arab, Fiqh Ibadah, Hukum Konstitusi, Hukum Acara Pidana, Studi Islam, Ulumul Qur'an, Ushul Fiqh, Masail Fiqhiyyah, Perbandingan Hukum Keluarga, Hukum Perdata Islam |
Dr. Rosdiana, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | Fiqh Munakahat | | |
Keahlian | Comparative Islamic Family Law, HAM dan Perlindungan Anak dan Perempuan, Hukum Perdata Islam, Hukum Acara Pidaha, Fiqh, Hukum Perkawinan Islam |
Dr. Windy Triana, M.A.
Bidang Ilmu | | | |
Keahlian | Metode Penelitian Hukum, Filsafat Hukum, Logika dan Penalaran Hukum, Bahasa Inggris Hukum, Studi Islam, Sosiologi Hukum, Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi |
Laboratorium Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan adalah Laboratorium Pendidikan yang digunakan untuk berbagai kegiatan praktikum, riset dan penelitian mahasiswa. Tersedia berbagai jenis peralatan yang sangat mendukung untuk praktikum. Dengan adanya peralatan yang cukup lengkap di laboratorium pendidikan ini, maka setiap mahasiswa dapat menggunakan fasilitas peralatan selama praktikum dijalankan. Laboratorium ini memiliki tempat yang sangat luas, sehingga mahasiswa akan sangat nyaman ketika sedang mengikuti praktikum. Selain itu juga tersedia berbagai jenis peralatan keselamatan, sehingga mahasiswa yang sedang menjalankan praktikum di Laboratorium akan merasa aman dan nyaman.
Perpustakaan merupakan jantung perguruan tinggi yang berfungsi sebagai penunjang gerak dan dinamika akademik perguruan tinggi. Perpustakaan bertugas menyediakan, mengelola dan mendistribusikan informasi untuk keperluan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat. Perpustakaan 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan sebagai pusat pembelajaran terus berkembang baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas dalam rangka memberikan layanan secara prima. Sampai saat ini perpustakaan memiliki koleksi cetak maupun elektronik lebih dari 6697 judul yang berdiri dari e-book, jurnal, skripsi, dan lain-lain. Bidang kedokteran dan ilmu kesehatan serta keislaman. Selain itu, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi, perpustakaan FIKES menyediakan komputer yang dilengkapi dengan layanan internet kabel maupun wi-fi.