Dean's Foreword

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., M.D.C.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,
Welcome to Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum (FSH) at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, a favorite faculty of prospective students. FSH has 6 undergraduate study programs and 2 master's programs. The number of students continues to grow from year to year with infrastructure facilities that continue to be modernized.
The Faculty of Sharia and Law is one of the oldest faculties within UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and as a leading faculty in the study of Law and Sharia Science in an integrative manner so that it has a distinction from other law faculties. has a distinction from other law faculties. This faculty has produced competent alumni and Bachelor of Laws with superior quality and able to compete both nationally and internationally.
In addition to these integration advantages, students of the Faculty of Sharia and Law are equipped with academic abilities and practical skills through laboratories owned and internships in agencies and law offices. The ability to analyze law and solve legal problems is instilled through legal study centers managed by lecturers or students and autonomous institutions such as the Moot Court Community, Islamic Astronomy Study, Indonesian Investment Gallery, and others. Astronomy Study, Indonesian Investment Gallery, and others.
As a result, these academic and practical skills have led to student achievements in national and international events. In addition, FSH has made superior achievements in several ways. Journal AHKAM journal owned by FSH has been indexed by Scopus Q1 with SJR 0.43 and is the best Law Journal in Southeast Asia. FSH is also the faculty that has the highest number of professors. Until October 2023, the number of professors reached 23 people.
FSH continues to make improvements and innovations in the academic and non-academic fields. Several new policies (out of the box) were established, such as the transformation of various final assignments including theses, articles, internships, research reports, legal findings, patents, and others; strengthening the Faculty of Sharia and Law as a green faculty, internationalization of institutions and programs, increasing the status of study programs to Superior and including study programs in international accreditation programs, preparing a career road map program (road to career) involving student and alumni collaboration, and implementing good organizational governance.
More thorough information, FSH developments, and programs and policies can be accessed through this website. Various cooperation and collaboration initiatives can be built for mutual progress. On behalf of the leadership, we would like to thank the visitors to the official website at, enjoy getting to know more closely the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., M.D.C.
Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law