Signature of the Tri Dharma College Cooperation Agreement between FSH UIN Jakarta and FS IAID
Signature of the Tri Dharma College Cooperation Agreement between FSH UIN Jakarta and FS IAID

News FSH, Dekanat Meeting Room – Shariah Faculty of Islamic Religion Institute Depok visited Sharial Faculty and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to follow up the MoU that had previously been implemented between colleges.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., MDC. along with Deputy Dean for Studentship, Alumni, and Cooperation Prof. dr. Kamarusdiana, M.H. welcomed the visit of Dekan FS IAID Dr. Encep, MA along with the Chairman and Secretary of the Program of Studies in Shariah Economic Law and Islamic Family Law. “Our colleagues in addition to being grateful also want to learn more with FSHIN U Jakarta. We also hope that after this meeting we can work together such as research collaboration, MBKM curriculum, and other academic cooperation”, hopefully Dr. Encep conveyed the purpose and purpose of the IAID FS visit (Tuesday, 10/09/2024).
As a State campus, FSH UIN Jakarta also hopes to contribute to each other in their respective fields with the aim of improving education in Indonesia. “We very much appreciate the arrival of FS IAID, because we can take a lot of learning from each other. Certainly each campus has its own advantages that we may be able to make innovation ahead of it”, welcomed Prof. Maksum.
On this occasion also discussed the improvement of the capacity of the lecturer in FSH, in this case it was explained that the faculty helped and was very excited for the publication of the article lecturer. Then continued the signing of the tri-dharma cooperation agreement of the College.[LFM]
