UM Malaysia Students Attend Lectures with Faculty Members of FSH UIN Jakarta
UM Malaysia Students Attend Lectures with Faculty Members of FSH UIN Jakarta

FSH News, Theater Room, 2nd Floor – On the second day of the visit by students from the Department of Sharia and Law, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya (UM), a total of 17 UM students joined students from the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH), UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, for joint lectures delivered by FSH lecturers.

The first lecture, on Fiqh Muamalah, was delivered by Ahmad Chairul Hadi, M.A., and was met with great enthusiasm from all students. The second lecture, which particularly captured the interest of the UM Department of Sharia and Law students, was Islamic Civil Law in Indonesia, taught by FSH lecturer Dr. Hj. Rosdiana, M.A.

In the second session, Dr. Rosdiana provided an overview of Islamic civil law and then focused on the specific application of this law in Indonesia. She explained that, as a country with six officially recognized religions, Indonesia's Islamic civil law applies exclusively to Muslims. The areas covered under this law include marriage, divorce, inheritance, wills, endowments, zakat, child custody, and the division of joint property.[EEA]