Simulation of Online Visitation for ACQUIN International Accreditation at the Faculty of Sharia and Law
FSH News – The Faculty of Sharia and Law conducted an online visitation simulation in preparation for international accreditation by the Accreditation, Certification, and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN). The event, held smoothly on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, was led by Hendy Santosa, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., as the primary resource person.
The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Vice Deans, Program Study Heads and Secretaries, the Quality Assurance Unit (GJM), as well as lecturers, administrative staff, students, and alumni selected as representatives. These representatives will later be interviewed by ACQUIN assessors during the upcoming accreditation process.
In his opening remarks, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., MDC., the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, emphasized the significance of international accreditation for enhancing academic quality and the faculty's global competitiveness. He also expressed gratitude to everyone who contributed to preparing the accreditation documents and processes.
Hendy Santosa, Ph.D., as the resource person, also played the role of an assessor during the simulation. He interviewed all participants, including students, alumni, lecturers, and administrative staff, posing questions likely to be asked by ACQUIN assessors. This provided participants with a realistic understanding of the atmosphere and expectations of the actual interview.
"The key to successfully facing the visitation lies in understanding ACQUIN's standards and the ability to comprehensively present the faculty's strengths," stated Hendy, Ph.D. He also offered feedback to participants based on the simulation's interview outcomes.
During the simulation, participants, including students, alumni, lecturers, and administrative staff, gained insight into the interview process. The Quality Assurance Unit presented the progress of the document preparation, including the self-evaluation report and other supporting data.
The event concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where participants were given the opportunity to raise questions and provide input regarding accreditation preparations. The Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law closed the event with hopes that this simulation would enhance the faculty's readiness for the international accreditation visitation by ACQUIN.[LFM]