International Seminar 'Forgotten Muslim Minority: Unclear Protection to Rohingya Refugees in Indonesia and Beyond'
FSH News, 2nd floor theater - Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an international seminar 'Forgotten Muslim Minority: Unclear Protection to Rohingya Refugees in Indonesia and Beyond' (Wednesday, 26/02/2025)
This seminar presents many speakers, Prof. Heru Susetyo, S.H., LL.M., M.Si., M.Ag., Ph.D. (Professor in Law and Social Welfare, Faculty of Law Indonesian Universuty). Razia Sulthana, B.A., LL.B. (Lawyer/Founder of Ronghiya Women Welfore Society Bangladesh). Dr. Mahbubul Haque (Senior Lecture of Faculty of Law & International Relation UNISZA). Fitria, S.H., M.R.,Ph.D. (Lecture of Faculty Sharia and Law UIN Jakarta). Nurul Islam (Chairman of Arakan Ronghiya National Alliance)
Arkan-Ronghiya has been /connected with Rohingya families in ciputat area for the last 5 years. And most of them before ended up in Indonesia stay and come from Malaysia, and most of them come by boat.
In his presentation Mr. Nurul Islam, Rohingya is known as our Muslim brothers as well. Since 2021, there has been a military coup in Myanmar, leading to increased oppression against the Rohingya people. There were two forces, Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) and the Myanmar military. Unfortunately, these forces are in conflict, making the situation even worse for the Rohingya people. International law must adhere to human rights norms. We must not ignore any aspect related to humanity.
Ronghiya people said, we don't want to be displaced, but although we want to go home, we can't do it. It is almost impossible. We must continue this struggle. The Indonesian government or the international community must protect our people, especially fellow Muslims.
Indonesia as a neutral and free country guided by commitment in our constitution to fight all violance and colonization all over the world is pleased to welcome the rohingya and give them protection and feel to save here in Indonesia.[NA]