Dean as External Examiner at Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University
Dean as External Examiner at Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University

FSH News, Universitas Sriwijaya – For the second time, the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., MDC., served as an external examiner for a dissertation defense at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, on Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Previously, Prof. Maksum acted as an external examiner for Cik Basir’s dissertation, which focused on Sharia Economic Procedural Law in Religious Courts. This time, the dissertation under examination was titled "Reconstructing Inheritance Law as Stipulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI)." The author of the dissertation, Yusida, is also a lecturer in inheritance law at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.

This role reflects the ongoing collaboration between the two institutions. The Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) and the Faculty of Law (FH) have established a partnership in various aspects of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Another key aspect of their cooperation involves the joint development of legal laboratories.

During the defense, Prof. Maksum, a distinguished professor, provided several insights and suggestions for improving the dissertation:

  1. A contemporary ushul fiqh (principles of Islamic jurisprudence) approach is necessary to address textual references (nash) related to inheritance.
  2. Judicial considerations in inheritance rulings can serve as a means of dialectical engagement between Quranic texts and real-life legal issues in society, as court decisions represent legal opinions based on actual cases.
  3. While the KHI (Compilation of Islamic Law) holds only the status of a Presidential Instruction, its application is widespread, making it a key source of material law for judges. The KHI is regarded as both a product of ijtihad (independent legal reasoning) and a groundbreaking advancement in Indonesian Islamic law.[MM]unssriiunssri