Challenges and Opportunities for Alumni of Sharia Economic Law
Challenges and Opportunities for Alumni of Sharia Economic Law

FSH News, Kudus – The Sharia Economic Law program is highly sought after by applicants from almost all universities. This enthusiasm aligns with the growth of the financial, business, and sharia economy sectors in Indonesia. In addition to sharia financial institutions, businesses such as sharia MLMs and sharia hotels are flourishing. Furthermore, the demand for sharia certification in hospitals is also high. These sectors have become promising career paths for HES alumni.

The Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., MDC., was a speaker at the Studium General event at the Faculty of Sharia, IAIN Kudus (Monday, 09/09/2024). The theme of the event was the Challenges and Opportunities of HES. Maksum mentioned that the future challenges for HES are vast, in line with the growth of sectors related to the sharia economy. These challenges, however, also present opportunities for alumni. They now have broader fields of engagement and action. Their career choices are no longer limited to sharia banking but also extend to relatively new areas, such as hospitals, which require the expertise of alumni.

To respond to these challenges and opportunities, the HES Study Program needs to adjust its curriculum and learning model. According to Maksum, the HES curriculum should adapt to market needs and align with the competencies required in the industry and business world. Additionally, students need to be closely engaged with real-world practices. Internship programs could serve as an alternative, such as internships at financial authorities, sharia financial institutions, and sharia economic law consulting firms.[MM]